As major fast-food corporations like McDonald’s and Taco Bell transformed into almost fully franchised operations, the chains ...
There are partnerships with Johnny Walker, Doritos, Dos Equis, and Jack Link’s beef jerky. For some reason there is a ...
KFC Canada president and general manager Ryan Koon says Canadians can expect to see more modernized locations as well as some ...
文:Gin Wang,首发:Foodaily每日食品原标题:世纪冤家肯德基和汉堡王联名了!餐饮巨头统一战线为哪般? 几天前,肯德基和汉堡王联手在法国推出BFF汉堡。好吃与否暂且不论,单是竞对联手这件事,就足够吸引眼球。 众所周知,快餐品牌间的关系一向异常紧张,以至于,麦当劳创始人雷·克罗克曾说过这么一句话:“如果我的竞争对手溺水了,我会在他们嘴里塞一根灌水管。” 毫无意外,此次活动在社媒上引发了巨 ...
Chili’s, Taco Bell and the casual-dining segment were some of the big winners in the restaurant industry this year.