One of Pixar Animation Studios’ most recent movies, Luca is a delightful coming-of-age story. Centering on the titular Luca Paguro (voiced by Jacob Tremblay), director Enrico Casarosa’s film ...
Life is most certainly a highway in Cars, Pixar’s animated movie that imagines a world of anthropomorphic vehicles. Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) is a hotshot rookie race car who dreams of ...
Pixar, as an animation studio, used to resist the idea of pumping out too many sequels. Sure, the studio’s first movie, Toy Story, got a sequel back in the 1990s, but then its entire 2000s run ...
The mounted shower products also feature Pixar Place Hotel branding. The body wash has a red sticker, the conditioner has a blue sticker, and the shampoo has a yellow sticker. The “conserve water” tag ...
A young guest to “Pixarburgh, The Science behind Pixar” at the Carnegie Science Center stands with Dory from the movies “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory.” As part of “Pixarburgh ...