Created by the great Shigeru Miyamoto in the 1980s as an expression of his childhood love of exploring without a map, Zelda has always held a revered position in gaming culture, a ...
Speaking plainly, I can now confess to you: I think the whole system with Navi giving you advice is the biggest weakpoint of Ocarina of Time. It’s incredibly difficult to design a system that ...
While that game was something of a disappointment in the wake of both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, fans of director Fumito Ueda were hopeful we’d one day see a new game… See Hyrule 100 ...
The Wheel of Time turns and keeps turning, which means it will come around to "The Wheel of Time" season 3. The Wheel of Time will continue to follow Moiraine (Rosamund Pike), an Aes Sedai ...
Ganon's strength is his mutability. Somewhere between taking over Hyrule as a Gerudo king in Ocarina of Time and haunting the castle as Calamity Ganon in Breath of the Wild, it became clear that ...