If your goal is to be happier in the year ahead, you might focus on your body rather than your mind. You can start right now by sitting up a little straighter. Then give a brief smile—even a fake one.
we share these phrases you should tell yourself to remind yourself of the amazing woman you are. Every day in front of the mirror, admire yourself and give yourself a hug, applaud your ...
scientists continue to make breakthroughs on insomnia-busting drugs, which could help many get better rest at night. But, if it’s something you’ve been wanting to change about yourself ...
Wendy Ralston – Director, Trinity Behavioral Health Hotline However, you do not have to suffer from SAD, as there are a few things you can do to make yourself feel better. First and foremost, get as ...
These tips for sober socializing may not have you dancing on tables, but they’ll help you have plenty of fun. By Elizabeth Angell It doesn’t matter why you’ve chosen not to drink this ...