Located in Karen, the garden is a captivating blend of diversity, sustainability, and personal passion. It contains over 200 ...
Holiday poinsettias: Poinsettias are so popular as winter holiday plants that Dec. 12 was set aside by an Act of Congress as ...
Choosing the right plants for your entryway requires detailed thought. First impressions say a lot about your home, so you ...
I like bell peppers very much. They are flavorful and can be eaten raw, or cooked in a variety of ways, or even dried. They ...
When I first caught up with Ludovic du Plessis, President of Champagne Telmont, he had just attended a party in L.A. with business partner, Leonardo DiCaprio.
MacCubbin gives advice on gardening in Florida including ground-cover roses, pepper plants, spring transplanting, bare spots ...
If we can’t get to the forest, the forest must come to us, in the form of cities designed around green spaces.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Sure, but no other rose bush can boast 39 floats, 16 equestrian teams and 24 ...
My mother adored pepper—black, red, green, hot, sweet, any kind. She used so much cracked pepper in our meals ... Tomatoes, ...
The cool, short days of winter usher in the bare-root planting season. Bare-root plants have been tended in commercial growing fields for several years, then dug and supplied to retailers with their ...
It is related to the Chinese paperbush, and like that bush, it prefers a partial shade location with top drainage. You can ...
One of the perks of being a garden writer is that I often have the privilege of testing out fresh introductions as they hit ...