The internationally beloved Anne of Green Gables series, written by Lucy Maud Montgomery and translated by Hanako Muraoka (Shinchosha Bunko), is being adapted into an anime. The Anne Shirley ...
Over 70 years after the novel’s Japanese debut, Japanese television broadcast network NHK revealed that Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 1908 classic coming of age novel Anne of Green Gables is receivin ...
Marilla and Matthew had originally decided to adopt a boy from the orphanage to help Matthew run their farm at Green Gables, which is set in the fictional town of Avonlea (based on Cavendish ...
Japanese novelist and translator Hanako Muraoka translated the Anne of Green Gables novel to Japanese with the title Akage no Anne in 1952. A compilation film of the 1979 series premiered in Japan ...
For instance, 89-year-old Joan Green bought a unit in a retirement village 11 years ago for $384,000 and won't have enough money to pay for an aged care facility after a 60 per cent exit fee and ...
Fans of Tennessee whiskey and bourbon should make time for a stop at Nelson's Green Brier Distillery during their visit to Nashville. The distillery's roots reach back to the late 1800s ...
The Village at Coral Gables is an exclusive collection of 48 luxury townhomes, lofts, villas and flats. MG Developer, one of South Florida’s leading real estate development firms, has announced ...
Any amendment to the Retirement Villages Act 2003 will likely be introduced in the next Parliamentary term. Photo: Getty Images Business news in association with Over a year after consultation began, ...
Retirement village operators in Victoria will be forced to sign up to a code of conduct and provide clearer information to would-be residents. The proposed laws, which have been years in the ...
Nelson signed with the Chiefs' practice squad Monday. Nelson announced his retirement in June at 31 despite a strong 2023 campaign for the Texans during which he recoded 63 total tackles ...