A significant proportion of patients with presenile dementia due to primary cerebral atrophy do not have Alzheimer's disease. One form of non-Alzheimer dementia may be designated as dementia of ...
Soccer heading may cause more brain damage than previously thought, according to a new study. Researchers from the Radiological Society of North America looked into the links between one of soccer ...
All of the disease manifestations can be explained by damage to the frontal lobe or interruption of the complex frontal subcortical circuits and the frontal diencephalic brain stem system by focal ...
(For more, see Left Brain - Right Brain.) Lobes of the Brain The cerebral hemispheres are commonly mapped out based on four large regions—the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe, the parietal lobe ...
This is not the first time that NQR participants have been revealed on the Internet - although the close-up, full-frontal exposure is rare. This past December, the Somerville Journal posted an NQR ...
1) demonstrating the fine spatial resolution produced by SPECTRE, and the ability to reconstruct activations in regions prone to severe distortions in fMRI, such as the frontal lobes. Simultaneous EEG ...
The radiologist noted bifrontal deep white matter low attenuation. A collateral history from the patient's general practitioner revealed a history of bilateral frontal stereotactic leucotomies in 1969 ...