Karate Kid: Legends is a new sequel in the Karate Kid franchise. Macchio plays an adult Daniel LaRusso, who teams up with Chan's Mr. Han to teach martial arts to a new protogé, Li Fong (Ben Wang). The ...
The trailer introduces Macchio as Daniel LaRusso, the original Karate Kid, all grown up, meeting Jackie Chan, who reprises his role as Mr. Han, a kung fu instructor. “Li is to me what you meant to ...
The area has plenty of music, including Sara Evans, The Wizards of Winter, Cherish The Ladies, Divas with a Twist, Grace ...
Right now, winter is feeling a little like Colin Stetson's New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' ...
D1 Milano wants to “reinvent the world you already know, by bringing you the ultimate design object.” The design watch brand ...
From Adam Sandler to Vin Diesel, some of Hollywood’s biggest actors rarely play the bad guy in a movie and always portray the ...