These sunflowers reminded me of how God grows His people and His church. 1 Corinthians chapter 3, verse 6 says, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” As God’s church, we each have ...
These medications include: In many cases, standard colors are used to identify different inhalers, making it easier to choose the right inhaler and medication. When looking for the color of your ...
Yup, they have it all. One of the newer kids on the Aotearoa sunflower circuit (not only in name), Newbury Sunflowers, is a little bit different, and we’ve fallen for them again this year, hard.
Red and blue chemotherapy products infusing through clear lines may resemble color-tinted tubing that has been assigned to a different drug or class of drugs. Hospital-assigned meanings of various ...
Sunflowers growing in an empty plot of land in the city of Kobe, where a home once stood before a massive earthquake 30 years ago, have spread throughout the country as a symbol of reconstruction ...