The Pune police on Tuesday arrested a 39-year-old man who works as a dance teacher of a private school in the city for allegedly sexually abusing two boy students, aged 10 and 11 years, on multiple ...
7 Sandusky County Jail A teacher’s aide in Ohio is accused of ... 15-year-old student while he was home from school on a snow day on Jan. 6, authorities said, according to WTVG.
Later in life she taught dance at the Pennsylvania Performing Arts Academy in Tamaqua. Since moving to Phoebe Berks in Wernersville, Huesgen has been teaching other residents to tap. "Two or three ...
English Teacher follows Alvarez’s Evan Marquez, an English teacher at an Austin-based high school where he works alongside a ragtag team of faculty members as they contend with the day-to-day ...