Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd is quoting at Rs 6098.95, up 2.38% on the day as on 12:49 IST on the NSE. The stock is up 93.74% in last one year as compared to a 8.08% gain in NIFTY and a 11.87 ...
It is only the commodity futures, and that too the exchange-traded futures, that come under SEBI purview. There is still a thriving commodity forward market that is on an OTC basis and where ...
The Singapore-based Abaxx commodities exchange plans to launch a physically deliverable lithium carbonate contract within weeks after the recent start of its nickel futures, company executives said.
Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd share price was up by 1.04% from the previous closing price of ₹5,566.60. Who are peers of Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd? The peers of Multi ...