Rappahannock Area Health District inspectors found violations at 11 food establishments they visited between Dec. 1-12.
An emergency order — when a restaurant is closed by the inspector — is based on an immediate threat to the public. Here, the ...
Going out to eat? See which Alachua County restaurants were rated best by inspectors, and which failed the test.
The restaurant inspection noted a lack of chlorine and sanitizer as well as a lack of hot water that can reach 120 degrees.
The following are the latest results of Portage County Health Department inspections on licensed food establishments and ...
For full restaurant inspection details, visit our Leon County restaurant inspection site. These restaurants met all standards during their Dec. 9-15 inspections and no violations were found. ** ...
Chemical sanitizers use solutions such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorine dioxide to kill germs. Consider which type of sanitizer will work best for you based on your preferences and needs.
Strawberries dumped in a Culver's handwashing sink were just one of the serious violations restaurant inspectors found in ...
Chicken blood leaking on cheese, roach infestations, moldy foods and raw meat stored on dirty shelves are among violations ...
4 total violations, with 1 high-priority violation High Priority - Dishmachine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength. Discontinue use of dishmachine for sanitizing and set up manual ...
Bunny Hop Cafe, 601 Main St.: Oct. 22: One violation: Chlorine sanitizer in sanitizer bucket not used according to label instructions (corrected during inspection). Sportsmen's Bar, 801 Main St.: ...