Stomach ulcers occur when digestive acids damage your stomach lining. Treatment may include antibiotics, home remedies, or surgery, depending on the underlying cause. Stomach ulcers, also known as ...
And plenty of people have stomach pain. They may feel their stomachs churn or seem to tie up in knots ... or stomach -- you can try: Antacids, which neutralize stomach acid with ingredients ...
While it is best to have low stomach acid diagnosed by a health care practitioner, a simple home test can help identify this ... should be chewed to a cream before swallowing.
Here are seven expert approved foods you can try when you are feeling bloated, without the worry of stressing your stomach ... restore balance to your gut. They promote the digestion of food ...
However, this seemingly minor habit can have ... dilute stomach acids and slow down the digestion process. People often make the mistake of talking while having their meal. However, they don ...
The carbon dioxide in your soda or other carbonated beverages puts more air into your stomach. If you don't burp it out, that air will end up in your ... enzymes before you eat can help you ...
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one ... as acid reflux, heartburn, regurgitation, chronic cough, dysphagia (trouble swallowing), and chest pain. The dietary recommendations for hiatal hernia ...