How rare is it for elephants to birth twins? Find out more about this occurrence in the wild and why it's significant.
Disclaimer: The content presented here is for entertainment purposes only and does not guarantee the authenticity or accuracy ...
A critically endangered elephant living at a zoo on the Indonesian resort island of Bali was found dead in a river Tuesday ...
Meru was born on March 8 to mom Semba, joining 10-year-old sister Nandi, 4-year-old sister Penzi and allomother Lungile. In ...
An elephant that lived at the zoo on Indonesia's tourist island of Bali has been found dead after being swept away by a strong river current. Molly, a 45-year-old female ...
As 2024 wraps up, we're taking a look at the year's most memorable stories on Mitch Mortvedt, a sixth-grade student at Perry Middle School, which is connected to the high school, and the ...
Kirby the Baby Elephant refers to a baby elephant named Kirby at the Houston Zoo who went viral on TikTok in late 2024.
Elephants are revered for their incredible strength and intelligence. Rarely, does any animal in the wild dare to battle with ...
In the floodwaters of Courtallam, the carcass of a three-year-old elephant calf was found behind the Anna statue near the river. Officials reported that the calf was caught in the floodwaters in ...
Starving pachyderms in poor condition will be euthanased in the short-term and some of the 1600 population could also ...