Disney’s 1991 animated blockbuster Beauty and the Beast continued the studio’s renaissance, which began at the end of the 80s with The Little Mermaid. The adaptation of Jeanne-Marie Leprince ...
The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be ...
The original screenplays of Beauty and the Beast were three preliminary scripts written before the final version of Beauty and the Beast was made. At this point, Jim Cox had left for his home in ...
A book featuring concept artwork, character illustrations, interviews with the crew, and production of Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book January 31, 2017 Smart, bookish Belle, ...
This year’s panto is Beauty and the Beast, an all-singing, all-dancing, and storytelling cinema experience bound to delight people of all ages. It makes a perfect family outing and a great way to ...
The romantic Broadway musical for all generations, NETworks presentation of DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, the smash hit Broadway musical, returns to Chicago! Based on the Academy Award- winning ...
In honor of the 30th anniversary of the beloved Disney animated classic and its Academy Award® nomination for Best Picture, The Wonderful World of Disney and ABC are thrilled to present "Beauty and ...