The number of people who read for fun appears to be steadily dropping. Fifty percent of UK adults say they don’t read regularly (up from 42% in 2015) and almost one in four young people aged 16-24 say ...
暴雨倾盆,霸王龙紧逼颤抖的吉普,后视镜闪过猩红眼眸;厨房内,迅猛龙利爪击打瓷砖,角落的人们屏气凝神……《侏罗纪公园》中那些令人心跳加速的追逐场景,让我们深思:若不是那颗改变地球命运的陨石,或是那场吞噬一切的冰河世纪,面对这些智力与力量都强得惊人的庞然 ...
New artificial intelligence tools help scientists fight back against a rising tide of research misconduct, but is it enough?