The story revolves around Ichigo Kurosaki, an ordinary high school student with the extraordinary ability to see ghosts. His life turns unexpectedly when he meets Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper, a death ...
Fast-forward to Bleach: Thousand Year War. After the events of Bleach, Ichigo returns to carve a bloody path when a brand new enemy arrives on the scene to cause trouble. This is a direct sequel ...
A convicted murderer serving a life sentence in New Zealand ... between Bleach and the 2017 crime emerged during an investigation into Gabriel Hikari Yad-Elohim’s mental state by forensic psychiatrist ...
When Bleach started, Ichigo’s father, Isshin, was portrayed as a normal character who lived with his children and played the role of a doctor.However, in reality, he was a former Soul Reaper who was ...
the new evidence suggests Yad-Elohim was recreating a scene from the popular anime series Bleach. The reports do not mention the specific Bleach series nor episode. However, according to Law News ...
The overwhelming majority of New York State residents back a law to ban mask-wearing in public during protests to help uncover hate and criminality, a new survey finds. A staggering 75% of voters ...
They like to keep the same mask if they’re having success. That said, it must be noted: Montembeault’s new mask is simply stunning. Jordon Bourgeault handled the painting and he published a video on ...
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — Staff at Yale New Haven Hospital will be required to wear masks while interacting with patients starting on Wednesday, according to a hospital spokesperson.