JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has announced an upcoming special event for the franchise celebrating the “past and future” of the anime coming next April. This new “JOJODAY” fan event will be ...
LOS ANGELES - DECEMBER 12, 2024 - Netmarble, a leading developer and publisher of high-quality mobile games, has released a new collaboration update for SEVEN KNIGHTS IDLE ADVENTURE, with the popu ...
Anime Roulette is an anime adventure RNG title available via Roblox in which you roll dice to win rare titles as you strive to become the top player. While your goal is to collect as many titles as ...
This expansion adds new characters with whole new playstyles! In The Mandalorian: Adventures, players work together as one of eight unique characters from the series. Each character has their own deck ...
Two new Anime Reborn codes are in to signal a forthcoming update. Anime Reborn codes continue to drop as the hit November anime Roblox TD title leads into its third major title update. It took a ...
Taking Inspiration from One Piece, Anime Spirits allows you to sail the seven seas in search of treasure and adventure. Yes, you can get different abilities thanks to perks and races. This guide gives ...