In Gints Zilbalodis' wondrously shimmering animated fable, a solitary black cat, after escaping a cataclysmic flood, navigates a water world. What brought things to this point is never explained.
In Gints Zilbalodis’ wondrously shimmering animated fable, a solitary black cat, after escaping a cataclysmic flood, navigates a water world. What brought things to this point is never explained.
In Gints Zilbalodis' wondrously shimmering animated fable, a solitary black cat, after escaping a cataclysmic flood, navigates a water world. What brought things to this point is never explained.
Fans of Arcane might be disappointed now that the series ended, or feel like there's a void that needs to be filled. Luckily for them, there are a lot of great animated series out there just ...