The episode begins with Yoshino (Hitomi Ueda), her grandfather Renji (Yôji Ueda), Shoma (Kôji Yusa), Kirishima (Akira Ishida), and Tsubaki (Reina Ueda) visiting Yoshino’s father’s grave.
Yoshino has talked out the shift in her relationship with Kirishima with the two people she trusts most, Tsubaki and Shoma. She's unpacked her rationale and thought process and trepidations with ...
The episode also explored Kirishima’s unsettling obsession with Yoshino in great detail. With a war between the yakuza seemingly on the horizon, don’t miss Yakuza Fiancé Episode 11 to find ...
The lack of methods for preparing miniature lasers directly on silicon wafers is holding back photonic technology in a range of applications, including machine learning. The solution could be to ...