Newborn babies may seem helpless, but they’re born with an incredible set of primitive reflexes that showcase their natural instincts and biology. From the startle reflex to rooting, discover the ...
This so-called “parachute” or “protective extension” reflex develops in infants several months after birth, but before they start learning to walk. The evolutionary purpose is to protect the head of ...
Neonatal encephalopathy, a condition resulting from perinatal asphyxia, occurs in 2.0–6.0 of every 1000 live births. Without treatment, prognosis is poor and resulting complications such as ...
This repo contains values for color, spacing, and typography primitives for use with Primer, GitHub's design system.
Carefully review the labor and delivery history for any of the following: maternal diabetes; fetal macrosomia; abnormal labor patterns; malpresentation, nonreassuring fetal heart pattern; mode of ...