Spartan’s historic Beebynganna Hills iron ore project in WA has changed hands, with Fenix Resources taking on ownership.
Australia’s two largest iron-ore miners and its biggest steelmaker have selected the Kwinana Industrial Area, south of Perth, as the location to develop ...
In a discovery that could fundamentally shift the way we understand Earth’s geological processes, geologists have uncovered ...
The West Australian government has announced the location that will be turning Pilbara iron ore into steel, making the state ...
Geologists find the largest iron ore deposit to date at Hamersley, transforming theories about ore formation and geological ...
The Australian Government has extended its conservative iron ore price outlook of a fall to US$60/tonne (62% Fe, FOB ...
Australia's BHP and Rio Tinto will jointly develop a pilot plant to produce low-carbon iron from Pilbara ores as they take ...
Fenix Resources has successfully hauled six million dry metric tonnes of iron ore from its Western Australian mining ...
BlueScope Steel wanted to build a major green iron pilot plant at Port Kembla but lost out to WA after the iron-ore rich ...
Earnings from iron ore, Australia’s major export, are forecast to decline on waning prices that have dropped about a quarter ...
Australia’s largest ironmaking electric smelting furnace is set to be built in the Kwinana industrial area south of Perth, ...