The quantum Hall effect, a fundamental effect in quantum mechanics, not only generates an electric but also a magnetic current. It arises from the motion of electrons on an orbit around the nuclei of ...
Step into a world so tiny, it defies imagination -- the nanoscale. Picture a single strand of hair, now shrink it a million times. You've arrived. Here, atoms and molecules are the architects of ...
Research from a UMass-Lowell team found that Alzheimer’s patients had certain concentrations of common elements in their ...
Commonwealth Fusion Systems, a private company spun off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, plans what it calls ...
At its Richmond site, Commonwealth aims to generate enough clean energy to power 150,000 homes by the mid-2030s.
By studying prehistoric rocks and fossils emerging from the side of Mount Ashibetsu in Japan, researchers have precisely ...
The quantum Hall effect, a fundamental effect in quantum mechanics, not only generates an electric but also a magnetic ...
From The UCSB Current article "Bringing the Power of Tabletop Precision Lasers for Quantum Science to the Chip Scale" For experiments that require ultra-precise measurements and c ...
New simulations reveal deeper insights into Earth's core and magnetic field, with future implications for technology and AI.
Physicists discovered strange supersolids, constructed new kinds of superconductors, and continued to make the case that the ...
The LOREX experiment utilizes lorandite ore to gauge historical solar neutrino flux, revealing insights about the Sun’s ...
Isolated atoms in free space radiate energy at their own individual pace. However, atoms in an optical cavity interact with ...