"Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade" is produced by Disney executive and senior executive producer Sally Hopkins Conner for Disney Yellow Shoes Studio, who brought on production company ...
Disney shared details, including the list of performers and songs, for the annual “Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade” ...
Performers and performances have been revealed for the "Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade." Watch The "Descendants" ...
The holiday season is in full swing and so is holiday programming. Find out what ABC is airing on WISN 12 through the end of ...
When will the Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade film at Disney World and Disneyland? And when will it air? We’re sharing what ...
"Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade" airs on Christmas morning, December 25 at 10am EST / 9am CST / 5am MST and PST on ABC. It will also air at 11am EST / 10am CST / 8am PST on Disney+.