Fig. 2 displays the circuit diagram of the standalone shock and vibration sensor device. It is built around transistor 2N2222 (T1), two electrolytic capacitors: one of 10μF, 16V rating (C1) and the ...
The new type of transistor, known as the "cryo-CMOS transistor," is optimized to operate at temperatures under 1 K and emit near-zero heat. A new type of transistor can dissipate almost zero heat ...
它也被称为复合或伪达灵顿对。该晶体管对由两个双极晶体管对组成,其中一个是NPN,另一个是PNP。Sziklai的这对看起来很像Darlington的这对。 Sziklai晶体管对最初是由George Sziklai设计的,以克服与Darlington对有关的一些效率问题,这将在本文后面讨论。它也被称为 ...