In this tutorial we'll make beach umbrellas and set up basic environment (sky and sand).
Xổ số miền Nam được tổ chức bởi các công ty xổ số kiến thiết của 21 tỉnh và thành phố trong khu vực Nam Bộ. Hình thức xổ số này đã có từ lâu đời và trở thành một nét văn hóa không thể ...
Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или войдите под своей учетной записью, чтобы оставлять ...
All applications courtesy of Blend4Web presented on this page are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. These applications include certain third-party ...
大陆集团是一家德国汽车制造公司,专业从事轮胎、 制动系统和其他汽车部件和交通运输等行业。该公司培训中心的网站提供了一个基于Blend4Web的电子学习应用程序,用于在线培训技术人员和 ...
Blend4Web PRO – готовое решение для максимально эффективной разработки трёхмерных веб-приложений любого типа, в том числе демонстрации товаров ...
Преобразует векторы, точки и нормали между пространствами координат мира, камеры и объекта. Степень свечения. Factor \(\in [0, 1]\). Factor = 0 - свечение ...
A big scene created to demonstrate the capabilities of the engine and WebGL technology. Over 25 hectares of land, a huge amount of buildings, animated animals and foliage including the ability of ...
In the Dairy Plant demo we used modern Internet technologies in an attempt to reproduce a manufacturing enterprise as a whole, including all sections of the building, equipment, how they are connected ...
We offer flexible and efficient technical assistance options for Blend4Web PRO customers. A team of highly qualified developers and 3D artists are always ready to resolve issues which may arise in ...
Blender is a professional 3D computer graphics suite developed by the non-commercial Blender Foundation based in Amsterdam. As stated in its mission, the Foundation strives "to give the worldwide ...
Объект может быть статическим или динамическим. Статические объекты - объекты, которые невозможно перемещать, анимировать или изменять ...