This animation created for Evolution: "Great Transformations" depicts creatures whose fossils were found at the Burgess Shale. As alien as these creatures seem, they are also surprisingly familiar.
The fossils of the Burgess Shale offer a glimpse at the incredible diversity of early life on Earth, frozen in time and locked in stone — you just have to go digging to see it. Working at 2,500 ...
In the famous Burgess Shale in Canada, for example, scientists have found dozens of bizarre, previously unknown animals. Interpretation of fossils poses another set of challenges, and their age ...
Based on the history of life here on earth, at least one prominent paleontologist thinks that complex life in the cosmos is ...
Fossils found in the Burgess Shale of British Columbia show traces of a notochord (a rodlike primitive backbone), a significant step in the evolution of vertebrates. Cambrian sediments found in ...
Emu Bay Shale fossils are associated with the Cambrian ... The Emu Bay Shale and its more studied counterpart, the Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, are Cambrian Lagerstätten ...
FROM 508 MILLION YEARS AGO TO TODAYPreserved in the Burgess Shale of British Columbia ... SPECIMEN 41145; All fossils photographed at the Royal Ontario Museum. The striking similarity between ...
Professor Brian Cox explores the origins of life on earth with a visit to the Burgess Shale, a very important fossil field in Yoho National Park in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The fossils here ...
How did complex life begin? videoHow did complex life begin? Professor Brian Cox visits the Burgess Shale fossil field in the Canadian Rockies, to see evidence of an explosion in life on Earth ...