The video shows a mother dolphin pushing her dead calf, seemingly mistaking it for being alive. This behaviour had previously been documented by marine researcher Mihir Sule and others ...
Then last week Adele received another call from Sea Watch. "They got in touch to say the Tallie dolphin has actually got a calf… and they asked us if we would like to name Tallie’s calf," she ...
The calf was an Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris). It was likely with its mother in a group of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis). Irrawaddy dolphins have squished faces and ...
Brazilian biologists have found an extremely rare example of an albino dolphin among an endangered ... said she first saw the white calf with pinkish fins at the end of October.
the female sub-spotted adult dolphin was believed to have lived in waters to the west and southwest of Lantau Island, and was seen with a calf in October. “Normal mother dolphins will raise ...