Nick Perricelli, a retired CAL Fire Captain with 37 years of experience, now lives in Volusia County, Florida, but his former ...
Firefighters are using the offseason in Washington to their advantage in order to begin mitigation efforts before wildfire ...
Front Range wildfire experts told Denver7 that a critical part of battling wildfires is protecting the wildland-urban interface. We break down what exactly is the WUI and why it's so important.
As wildfires rage in California and prompt evacuations, professionals in Utah want residents to know how to keep their houses safe in case of wildfire.
Improving access to information for wildland fire incident operations would improve public safety through effective fire containment. Funded through a Cooperative Agreement with the National Institute ...
Utah fire crews head to Los Angeles after California came to Utah's aid in the state's biggest fire last year.
Wildland fire is an important source of carbon and other pollutants to the atmosphere. Accurate datasets to spatially quantify carbon and trace gas emissions from fire are needed. Dr. Nancy French, of ...
Wildland firefighters work in tight-knit crews that depend on one another for physical safety, and they are the front-line defense for homes and communities threatened by fire. On average ...