More expensive than cocaine? Yes, indeed, they call it the cocaine of the sea. More expensive than cocaine and many other ...
In the heart of the Gulf of California, the totoaba stands as the world's priciest fish, with a price tag exceeding $8,000.
Authorities in China are prosecuting 11 people for smuggling $119m (£90m) worth of fish swim bladders from Mexico. They are accused of bringing in 20,000 swim bladders from totoaba fish from the ...
There has been a recent resurgence in illegal gillnet fishing for critically endangered totoaba, a large schooling marine fish in the drum or croaker family that is also found only in the Gulf of ...
Inside effort to save critically endangered totoaba fish "The Service is actively engaged with diverse partners across the country to prevent further extinctions, recover listed species and ...
The vaquita's numbers have plummeted from 200 in 2012. Their primary threat is entanglement in fishing gear, including in nets set for the totoaba, a large and endangered fish endemic to the Gulf.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora wildlife treaty prohibits international trade in totoaba, an endangered fish. Although the Mexican government has ...