The Crab Pulsar, a remnant of a supernova whose burst was visible from Earth in 1054, emits a mysterious radio signal known ...
"Even years after the Arecibo Observatory's collapse, its data continues to unlock critical information that can advance our ...
On November 28, 1967, astronomers found the first pulsar. A pulsar is a super-dense star that rotates super fast. As the ...
By searching sparsely populated regions of the galaxy, astronomers have for the first time found the source of a kind of ...
From within a glowing web expanding outward from an epic explosion, a dead star is flashing pulses of radio light at Earth.
The number of pulsars discovered by China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope has exceeded 1,000, ...
New images of the massive structure is helping astronomers identify the tune being played by the celestial guitar.
There are strange "zebra" patterns coming from the Crab Nebula, and the reason has to do with plasma refraction.
A theoretical astrophysicist from the University of Kansas may have finally solved a nearly two-decade-old mystery ...
NASA telescope spotted a glowing nebula that looks like a guitar shredding rapid pulses of stellar material through space ...