Red, as the platform is known for short, offers a more open space than WeChat for competing ideas to be heard.
Wen Li, a graduate student living in Brisbane, ran for the seat of Mansfield as a Greens candidate in the recent Queensland election. Li promoted his ...
COVID” policy ended has become a rare space for public remembrance of the 2022 White Paper Movement. Originally published as part of a 13-part series on the lockdowns, the essay reflects on the ...
I enjoyed reading this page about the culturally specific use of WeChat's emojis in China, why they're needed for greater nuance of expression – which then serves as a thoughtful jumping-off ...
While the company has aggressively promoted its latest operating system (OS), the true litmus test has arrived with the launch of a new WeChat version designed specifically for HarmonyOS NEXT.
IT之家 11 月 15 日消息,微信海外版 WeChat 今天宣布面向 iOS 上线“通行密钥(Passkey)”功能。“通行密钥”是一组存储在 iCloud 账户中的密钥,iOS 用户通过验证生物特征信息( 如指纹、面容 )来验证密钥对是否匹配, 无需输入密码 即可快速登录 WeChat。WeChat 方面称,其无法获取用户的生物特征信息及私钥数据。
腾讯金融科技副总裁洪丹毅表示,此次WeChat Pay HK全面支援缴付港灯电费,正式全面覆盖生活缴费服务的各种场景,让用户在日常生活中一站式缴付电费、水费、煤气费、物业管理费、税款、差饷地租等,省却切换不同应用程式的繁琐程序,让日常生活变得更轻松。
Hengqin has unveiled a WeChat mini programme compatible with Macao Smart Go, an all-in-one mobile application for transport services backed by the ...