1958年的哥德堡,暴雪肆虐,仿佛要把整个城市都埋葬。沃尔沃总部,一群工程师正围着一辆崭新的PV544,神情严肃,仿佛在进行一场秘密仪式。他们手里拿着的,不是什么魔法道具,而是一项足以颠覆汽车工业的黑科技…… ...
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Prices shown are the prices you can expect to pay for a 1966 Volvo PV544 2 Door Sedan across different levels of condition. Edit options.
Prices shown are the prices you can expect to pay for a 1963 Volvo PV544 2 Door Sedan across different levels of condition. Edit options.