This new adventure film tells of the adorable twin brothers Upin and Ipin together with their friends Ehsan, Fizi, Mail, Jarjit, Mei Mei, and Susanti, and their quest to save a fantastical kingdom ...
Upin and Ipin are twins; they should always play together ... and connection while promoting Bahasa Malaysia, though an English version will also be available for a broader audience.
KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 — The twins from famous Malaysian animated series Upin & Ipin will be getting their own console game adaptation soon. Animation studio Les’ Copaque managing director ...
Together with their newly found friends, Rajoo the animal-whispering boy, Rose the village beauty, and her two mischievous twin brothers, Upin and Ipin, they work together to unravel the secrets ...
According to Burhan, the animation company had commissioned the renowned Las Vegas-based game developer Streamline Inc last year to develop the Upin & Ipin game based on the animated series.