The upcoming Twisted Childhood Universe (TCU) horror movie Pinocchio: Unstrung has a practical animatronic puppet that will ...
Those updates revolve around the next horror movie from the creators of the Twisted Childhood Universe, Pinocchio: Unstrung.
The original Pinocchio story is a lot darker than you might think if you've only seen the classic Disney animated movie, but the next instalment in the Twisted Childhood Universe (AKA the ...
Released in 2023, Lies Of P is a “thrilling soulslike that takes the story of Pinocchio, turns it on its head, and sets it against the darkly elegant backdrop of the Belle Epoque era”.
Blood and Honey horror crossover Poohniverse: Monsters Assemble, featuring Pooh, Bambi, Pinocchio, Peter Pan and other ...