The Common Tree That'll Attract All Kinds Of Beautiful Butterflies To Your Yard Governors push back on federal proposal to ...
Solar dyeing is a novel method that takes advantage of the plentiful African sun. By putting dyed fabrics in closed bags and ...
扎染古称“绞缬(xié)”,是中国古老的纺织品染色技艺,充满智慧的古人很早就开始使用植物染色。在自然界,有很多植物可以用作蓝色的染料,其中最有名的就是板蓝根,板蓝根的叶子经过发酵、氧化后,便形成了一种叫靛花的漂浮物,比蓝色的染液更鲜亮,正所谓“青出于 ...
Tie-dye - it's synonymous with exotic travel off the beaten path with rucksack and flip flops in tow. The artisan craft of ...
[Richard’s] tie-dye adventure is cleanly documented on the blog. He simply spools a reel of nylon together and dyes subsections of the spool with a different color. With the filament ...
This week, we’re tie-dyeing them! You can either grab a premade kit from your local craft store or pick up the individual ...