Ares even once led an army against Asgard itself during the events of Seige #2. While this was due to the manipulation of Norman Osborn, it still didn't earn Ares any favor with Thor ...
THOR VERSUS HIS OLDEST FOES! On Asgard, Thor had been outplayed by the Enchantress – and their game would have vast consequences for the Golden Realm. And on Earth, the self-styled Gods of ...
Loki, the god of mischief and half-brother to Thor, had the Enchantress bring Storm to Asgard in 1985’s New Mutants Special Edition #1 as he plotted his revenge against the X-Men (who foiled his ...
Of the two teases, the most obvious is “Utgard rises.” Immortal Thor introduced the conflict between Asgard and Utgard from the beginning. Utgard is a dark shadow of Asgard, created by Utgard ...