A new Captain America: Brave New World, also known as Captain America 4, video teases the return of The Leader, portrayed by ...
Naturally, Ciri also promises to bring a fresh perspective to the broadly misogynistic, alternately sensitive and pervy ...
Geralt of Rivia's fate in The Witcher 4 is revealed by CD Projekt Red, and fans want to know if he'll be helping Ciri find ...
The debut trailer for The Witcher 4 suggests that, beyond a new main character, the next Witcher game will be unlike anything ...
Geralt of Rivia voice actor Doug Cockle reveals that he's been asked by developer CD Projekt Red not to discuss anything ...
The Witcher 4's narrative director says he knew the decision to make Ciri the protagonist could be "controversial" Narrative ...
"I got slapped by CD Projekt because… I don't know how true it is." ...
The White Wolf is indeed returning in the new game and will be played by none other than iconic voice actor Doug Cockle, the very same who voiced Geralt in The Witcher 1, 2, and 3. "Geralt will ...
Geralt's voice actor got 'slapped' by CD Projekt RED for saying Geralt appears in The Witcher 4, but not as the main ...
CD Projekt RED knew who would carry the Witcher series torch after Geralt's departure even before The Witcher III: Wild Hunt ...
The Witcher 4 is officially official with its first trailer and title... which is just The Witcher 4. After a surprise Game ...