The Smurfs animated series (2021) is currently airing worldwide on Nickelodeon, on local free-to-air channels and is available on Netflix. A new Smurfs movie produced and distributed by Paramount ...
Smurfs, The Spongebob Movie: Search for Squarepants and Aang: The Last Airbender (working title). • Paramount, Nickelodeon and Avatar Studios are also teaming on director Lauren Montgomery's ...
Smurfs: The Adventure consists of ten different physical interactive experiences centered around a main hub of Smurfs Village. Guests are transported through a bioluminescent tunnel into the Smurfs ...
Paramount’s new animated Smurfs movie announced its cast at CinemaCon today. Joining Rihanna are Nick Offerman, Natasha Lyonne, JP Karliak, Daniel Levy, Amy Sedaris, Nick Kroll, James Corden ...
The Smurfs animated series (2021) is airing worldwide on Nickelodeon and is available on Netflix. A new Smurfs movie produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures/Nickelodeon Animation and ...