Initially, I intended to make it a house for my family. Lastly, I was interested in owning a missile silo because it's just kick ass. The place has 7,000-pound doors. Its three floors are made out of ...
Lastly, I was interested in owning a missile silo because it's just kick ass. The place has 7,000-pound doors. Its three floors are made out of a steel structure nicknamed "the birdcage." ...
I really wanted to dig it up and see what was in there. Initially, I intended to make it a house for my family. Lastly, I was interested in owning a missile silo because it's just kick ass. The place ...
He told KATV that he usually doesn't tell guests that an aging steel and concrete bulkhead is all that separates them from subterranean silo floodwater until check-out.