The 1970s TV show "Starsky and Hutch" featured the titular detectives riding around in the now-iconic 1976 bright red Ford Gran Torino solving crimes. While the show used several cars throughout ...
Comedy, starring Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. Bay City cops Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson, and Dave Starsky take on a former college drug dealer who has become a white-collar criminal. Snoop Dogg and ...
"Starsky & Hutch" actor David Soul passed away this week at the age of 80, leaving behind a legacy of memorable film and TV roles as well as a successful career as a soft rock musician. Soul's run ...
The actor was best known for his role as Detective Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson in Starsky & Hutch Actor David Soul, best known for his role in the television series Starsky & Hutch, has died at the ...