Wildlife conservationists have been long making the case that spring-run Chinook salmon are a genetically distinct species from the ones that make their runs in the fall. If the federal government ...
PORTLAND, Ore.— The Center for Biological Diversity, Native Fish Society and Umpqua Watersheds filed a notice today of their intent to sue the National Marine Fisheries Service to force it to decide ...
PORTLAND, Ore.— The National Marine Fisheries Service today announced it will consider Endangered Species Act protections for spring-run chinook salmon on the Oregon coast. Today’s positive finding ...
The pace of salmon recovery work — and difficulty in funding these complex projects — is hindering our ability to recover salmon populations.” | Opinion ...
KENWOOD — A female Chinook salmon swam steadily against the current ... is not enough left over in the watershed from the previous spring and winter to aid the big fish — measuring at least ...
A forecast of low adult wild spring Chinook salmon returns to the Umpqua this year, coupled with last year’s below-average numbers, has raised concerns as spring fishing season nears.
Chinook salmon from the Upper Columbia’s spring run are presently on the endangered species list, as their numbers remain critically low. Overfishing is only one part of the problem, with dams ...
Chinook salmon returned to the Napa River in good numbers this fall, though whether this ends up being a good 2024-25 for the salmon won’t be known until spring. Martin Perales of the Napa ...