The Animated Series has turned 30. This cherished work is certainly a product of its time as an early adopter of CGI with ...
Most people still remember the theme, the excellent voice actors, and the best Spider-Man: The Animated Series episodes that strung together compelling storylines, entertaining viewers no matter ...
Despite many fans' love/hate relationship with this show, many fans can agree that this version of Spider-Man is undoubtedly the strongest in the animated series, and with more episodes than any ...
Additionally, Spider-Man mentions the Hulk by name in the very first episode of the series. But because UPN was running the Incredible Hulk animated series, the character wasn’t allowed to be ...
Morbius in Spider-Man: The Animated Series is a disturbing vampire with terrifying features and powers. The Symbiote Sisters in Marvel's Spider-Man have a more visceral and disturbing design ...
Can you believe 2024 is already coming to an end? There are just a couple of weeks left in the year, which means that 2025 is on the horizon. Disney+ is getting started on preparations for the new ...
“I’m getting kind of old to do it,” the 47-year-old actor added, “but I’d be happy to play an older Spider-Man.” Since the conclusion of the animated series that aired 65 episodes ...
From the second season through season 4, Spider-Man: The Animated moved toward season-long story arcs. X-Men: The Animated Series was also meant to take place in a specific order, but most of that ...