The large hind feet, long ears, short tail, and typical rabbit shape distinguish this snowshoe hare, the only "rabbit" throughout much of the Adirondack Park. From mid-December until late April, the ...
Adults are 380-461 mm (15-18 in) in length and weigh approximately 825-1350 g (1.8-3.0 lb). Females are slightly larger than males. The eastern cottontail is smaller than the snowshoe hare and does ...
Some hares even sport different outfits as the seasons change. In the summer, the snowshoe hare’s brown coat camouflages well with its home in the boreal forest. As winter sets in and the snow ...
PGC seeks info from rabbit hunters Calling all cottontail rabbit and snowshoe hare hunters — the Pennsylvania GameCommission needs your help, not on one front, but two. The PGC has questions ...