Learning guitar riffs is a great way to kickstart your guitar ... D, A and G. This is a simple strumming song that is great for working on chord change speeds. In the first bar, the D chord ...
We take a deep dive into the clever Keith Richards guitar trick that helped Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry create this iconic ...
A guitar riff is the hook of a song ... They’re catchy because they’re easy to sing or hum along to and have a habit of not leaving our brains, even when we want them to (becoming what ...
Your attack, tone, and dynamics depend on hand placement – so don’t breeze over it. Your pick hand should rest gently on the ...
Still, he was a natural at funky, slinky, scratchy guitar riffs ... subtracting things and experimenting with how simple he could go. The main riff of this song bounces between two notes; if ...