The Scorpion King collection is a spin-off to The Mummy Returns and follows the story of Mathayus and his rise to become the Scorpion King. The franchise began with the 2002 film The Scorpion King ...
The Scorpion King collection is a spin-off to The Mummy Returns and follows the story of Mathayus and his rise to become the Scorpion King. The franchise began with the 2002 film The Scorpion King ...
to embark on a long and dangerous quest to find the mystical Book of Souls: the only thing that can put an end to Nebserek's tyranny. Will the legendary Scorpion King bring hope and restore peace?
Balthazar, Mathayus returns to the legendary city to infiltrate Memnon's impenetrable fortress in the desert and exact his revenge. Is Mathayus destined to be the next Scorpion King?