This Christmas, the memory of Saint Nicholas is brought to life through science, infusing the legend of Santa Claus with a dose of historical reality. The 3D reconstruction of his face reveals ...
The data of the skull was transformed into a detailed 3D model, and the team used advanced techniques to project what the Santa Claus’ face would have looked, depending on his time and location.
Just a few more hours till the clock ticks 12am, and as believed, Santa Claus would be travelling ... the reconstruction involved creating a 3D model of the skull using data collected by Luigi ...
With just hours left until the clock strikes 12 am, the legend of Santa Claus's journey from ... that the reconstruction involved creating a 3D model of the skull using data collected by Luigi ...
The new Santa Claus model has a built-in location tracker A life-size model of Santa Claus has had a location tracker installed after its predecessor was stolen earlier this month. Paul De Fraine ...