随着科技的飞速发展,显示器市场也日新月异。在即将到来的CES 2025展会上,华硕ROG(Republic of ...
2023年BW展会如火如荼地进行着,各大科技品牌纷纷推出自家最新产品。在今年的展会上,华硕的新品发布引发了众多用户的关注和期待,尽管备受瞩目的EVA联名款缺席,但华硕依旧以其ROG (Republic of Gamers) 系列新产品吸引了不少目光。
在寒冷的冬季,长沙的夜空下,游戏爱好者们迎来了一个激动人心的时刻——ROG DAY TOUR 2024长沙站盛大启幕。作为ROG(Republic of ...
近期,一场盛大的电竞活动吸引了无数ROG(Republic of Gamers)粉丝的注意,而其中最引人瞩目的一个亮点,便是RO姬痛车的现身。这辆以RO姬为主题装饰的痛车,成为了粉丝们打卡和互动的中心,现场气氛热烈,欢声笑语不断。
We met up with Harry from Republic of Gamers and he spent some time explaining just what the new ROG Phone is all about!
Over the years, Asus built a solid reputation among PC enthusiasts, known for its premium Republic of Gamers (ROG) products, from motherboards to GPUs and peripherals. But recently, Asus has found ...