The male Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus) can mate like mad every year—for about two weeks. Only in late spring. And only in wet meadows, at elevations above 4,800 feet, in California’s Sierra ...
But the toad lives in unique wetlands dotting the western edge of the Dixie Valley Playa, fed by hot springs. Sadly, these hotsprings also make prime real estate for geothermal-energy plants. And a ...
But the toad lives in unique wetlands dotting the western edge of the Dixie Valley Playa, fed by hot springs. Sadly, these hotsprings also make prime real estate for geothermal-energy plants. And a ...
A cane toad so giant wildlife officers thought it was fake has been found in a north Australian rainforest. The "monster" specimen is six times bigger than the average toad, weighs 2.7kg ...