A MOST significant feature of the success of the quantum theory in explaining the sequence of radiation-frequencies forming the Balmer type of series in the spectra of hydrogen and ionised helium ...
Entangled electrons Illustration depicting an atom (green nucleus ... precede the creation of the helium ion (He +) for the second excitation step to occur. Excitation ionization therefore requires ...
Some events happen too fast to be captured in a photograph, no matter how quickly you hit the camera button. For example, ...
the bosons in helium-4 slow down enough to overlap and behave as one super-atom – a fluid with zero viscosity, or superfluid. The team harnessed the unusual quantum properties of superfluid ...
The proposed quantum detector builds on EQUS studies of elementary excitations in superfluid helium and advances in opto-mechanics. Led by EQUS Research Fellow Dr. Chris Baker (UQ), study proposes ...